Customizing Panel Schedules
Distribution equipment schedules are created differently from other schedules in Design Master Electrical. They are created using a set of custom blocks. Using custom blocks provides greater flexibility in the appearance of the schedule, but also means they must be customized differently.
To change the appearance of the schedule, you must change the appearance of the block.
For an example, with video, of one way you can customize your panel schedule blocks, see Panel Schedule Customization Example below.
Modifying the Blocks
Panel schedules consist of a header block, a different block for each phase, a footer block, and a wrap block. Each block must be modified individually.
To modify a block, insert the schedule that you want to modify on the drawing, then run the Open Block from Drawing command and select the schedule. You will be asked to specify which block you want to modify. The selected block definition will then be opened for you.
Changing Layers / Colors & Text Styles
The layers/colors used by entities in the panel schedules are set in the blocks. To change these settings, open the block and change the settings there. Setting layers will allow you to modify the colors within the project using the Layers command.
The text location, style, and justification are also set in the block. Labels are inserted as regular text. Values that are updated are inserted as attributes. To change any of these settings, the values must be changed in the block. When the schedule is updated, the attribute value will be updated, but all the other settings will be left alone.
Schedule Block Attributes
The default schedules do not include all of the possible values that can be included in the schedule. See the Insert Distribution Equipment Schedule Attribute command for a complete list of attributes.
Once an attribute is inserted, modify the settings to make it look right for the schedule.
Updating the Blocks on the Drawing
After making the necessary changes to the block, save it.
You will then need to redefine the block on your drawing to use the new definition. There are three methods for redefining your schedule blocks.
Option 1: Erase and Purge the Schedule Blocks
Often, the simplest way to redefine your panel schedule blocks is to purge them from the drawing, then reinsert them:
- Erase all of your panel schedules from the drawing.
- Run the AutoCAD PURGE command.
- Press the button. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- Press the or button to purge the definitions of any blocks not inserted on the drawing.
- Close the dialog box.
- Reinsert a panel schedule on the drawing and confirm that it appears correct.
Continue inserting schedules if the first one appears correct, or continue making changes and repeat this process.
Option 2: The Redefine Block in this Drawing command
You can redefine blocks one at a time using the Redefine Block in this Drawing command. Select the schedule block you modified to update the block definition.
Next, erase the schedule and reinsert it. Some attributes will not update correctly unless the schedule is erased and reinserted.
Repeat this process for any other blocks you have modified.
If you use the
Panel Schedule Customization Example
Here is an example of how to customize a panel schedule in Design Master Electrical.
At 2:06, the video mentions modifying the panel schedule feeder to not show loads.
Rather than modify the schedule block, go to the Feeder and Service Calculation Settings for the distribution equipment and set Load Calculation Method ▾ to None.
Written Instructions
The instructions below describe in general terms the process shown in the video above.
To customize your panel schedule:
Run the Distribution Equipment Schedule Blocks command.
Select the panel schedule definition you want to base your customizations on and press the button to duplicate the definition.
In the newly created panel schedule definition, select each block you want to customize and press the button to duplicate each block.
Select a block to customize and press the button. The selected block will open.
Make changes to the block using standard AutoCAD commands.
(Optional) Add distribution equipment attributes to the block using the Insert Distribution Equipment Schedule Attribute command.
noteYou can also copy an existing attribute and double-click to change the Tag, Prompt, and Default to match your desired attribute. This ensures the formatting will be the same as existing attributes.
Save the block.
Repeat steps 4-7 for each block you want to customize.
If the panel schedule blocks have already been inserted on the drawing, you must redefine them to display the changes you've made. See Updating the Blocks on the Drawing for more information.